COVID-19 Updates
Take your Daily Health Screening
COVID-19 Guidance and Testing
PediaTrust, in partnership with Stevenson High School, provides COVID-19 medical guidance for Stevenson students, faculty, and staff, including ELC staff, during the 2021-22 academic year, including COVID-19 testing by appointment and telemedicine appointments for students. Click to learn more about PediaTrust's on-campus location, hours, services provided, and scheduling.
If you are not an ELC staff member, please contact your primary care provider or local health department for COVID-19 guidance or testing. You may also search the Lake County Health Department or Illinois Department of Public Health for more information.
The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff are our top priority. In order to maintain a safe learning involvement for any on-campus activities, the Exceptional Learners Collaborative has implemented a series of protocols.
- Before you come on campus:
- The Health Check needs to be completed every day prior to arriving on campus and a blue "thumbs up" needs to be obtained to show you are approved to come onto school grounds. The blue "thumbs up" must be shown when entering the building.
- Anyone who receives a "Prohibition (Do Not Enter) sign on after the Health Check should stay home. Megan should be notified with your contact information, and the contact related to your campus visit should be notified.
- Watch for COVID-19 related symptoms and contact Megan if you are experiencing any related symptoms, have tested positive, have undergone testing and are awaiting results, have had contact with a COVID-19 positive individual.
- Once you are on campus:
- Masks must be worn in the building at all times and outside whenever you are not able to maintain 6 feet of social distance
- Hands should be washed frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or hand sanitizer with at least a 60% alcohol content should be used.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Before you come on campus: