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Orientation & Mobility

What is an Orientation & Mobility Specialist?

An orientation and mobility (O&M) specialist is a certified teacher who has completed a recognized university program at the Master’s level. In addition, each specialist must maintain certification through ACVREP (The Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals). They collaborate with the educational team to provide:

  • Consultation and training to involved staff members to ensure the student can get around safely, efficiently, independently, and with purpose within their schools and communities
  • Instruction that may include but is not limited to:
    • Sensory/concept development
    • Spatial/environmental awareness
    • Familiarization techniques
    • Cane techniques
    • Use of large print maps, tactile maps, and GPS devices
    • Use of community resources
    • Residential and community travel skills
    • Route planning and execution
    • Public transportation
    • Simulated nighttime travel

Orientation understands where one is, where one is going, and how to get there safely and efficiently. Persons who are blind or visually impaired need to use their remaining senses to understand their location in relation to the surrounding environment. Mobility is the mechanics of getting from one point to another in the environment. Persons who are blind or visually impaired often need to use special techniques and tools when they move around independently. 

Orientation & Mobility Resources