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Early Childhood Assessment Team

What is the Early Childhood Assessment Team?

A child's early life experiences are crucial in the process of development. These experiences lay a foundation in childhood and beyond for learning (cognitive functioning), behavior (social and self-regulatory ability), and physical health. In addition, children are more successful in their educational career and life when they experience stable relationships with caring and responsive adults, high-quality care, and education in supportive environments.

If you have concerns regarding your child's development, the state of Illinois Early Intervention Program provides services to support children and families from birth through age three. Early intervention services can change a child's developmental trajectory and improve children, family, and communities outcomes. It is the mission of this program "to support families who have young children with diagnosed disabilities, developmental delays, or substantial risk of significant delays. We ensure they receive resources and supports that assist them in maximizing their child's development while respecting the diversity of families and communities."

ELC member districts recognize and continue to support this critical development period by providing exceptional early childhood preschool programming for children. According to ISBE guidelines (Illinois State Board of Education), these districts offer multiple educational frameworks to meet your child's unique needs and ensure them a free and appropriate public education. These programs serve children between the ages of 3-5 years old (pre-kindergarten) who have an identified disability.

The hope of all of the above programs, working together with parents, service providers, educators, administrators, and policymakers, is to provide the best possible experiences and outcomes and help children prepare for school and life.

ECAT Resources