Business Services
About Business Services
The division is responsible for coordinating contracted services, interacting with outside agencies and financial institutions, and preparing and presenting board, community, and staff reports. The Business Services Department is also responsible for conducting financial, operational, performance, and compliance audits to assess the effectiveness of controls, accuracy of financial records, and the efficiency of operations. It also serves as the liaison between the Cooperative and all internal and outside agencies that have business with the Cooperative.
The Business Services Department has separate operations that include the following: budget preparation, financial services, payroll services, account payables/receivables, and budgeting. The Business Services Department ensures that the Cooperative complies with state laws and financial accounting and reporting regulations. It oversees budget development, financial reporting, accounts payable/receivable, accounting, annual audits, payroll processing, and disbursements. The department is also responsible for developing and implementing plans to address control weaknesses and other audit findings and assisting in the development of accounting and auditing procedures.
Financial Reports
Information about Contracts Exceeding $25,000 is available at the Administration Office.
Salary Data
2023-2024 Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report
Information about Illinois Public Act 097-0609 is available at the Administration Office.